7 Feb

Yummy dinner at an viet earlier. With le hubs only. Mom gave us few hours to run our cny errands without the kids so took my time to feed myself as well haha. Ah if only I had more space for the bahn mi πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

5 Feb

The only two hour free quota I get to have before cny haha. Gotta make full use of it πŸ˜†

3 Feb

Crashing ahkong and ahmas company retreat . Both having the sniffles but didn't want to get out of the pool πŸ˜…

Managed to coax them out but into the tub they went. Ah at least got warm water so better than nothing πŸ˜†

How uncooperative they are nowadays πŸ˜… Doubt I will get many nice photos for cny later πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜“

26 Jan

So, this year's theme is ong lai πŸ˜†

Ong lai all the way!

Taking the theme seriously hahaha

25 Jan

What used up every ounce of free time I was left with after work last month. Last min homework cos I realized my vouchers were expiring and my photog was still nowhere near the finish line in editing the pictures cos he was just so busy. I had to rush him cos it's been months lehh

Some favs

Well I was just glad I had something to sit on πŸ˜‚

Another one of my fav too. We were genuinely happy cos wah finally got somewhere to park our buttocks πŸ˜‚


Happy cos someone's got bribed with tictac

But guess who is the happiest when she was offered tictac by the little king πŸ˜‚ Should have done it earlier to reduce her crankiness

I think my photog did a good job la, cos all the crankiness and nosebleeds and teary eyes didn't really show in the pics πŸ˜‚ πŸ’ͺ🏻

Really not easy I have newfound respect for family photographers now haha

24 Jan

Can't believe this feisty little girl is turning 17 months old tmr.Haha. Been ultra busy cos since she now has her demands and little mind of her own I am now both their full time hambaπŸ˜‚

Each time I tell myself I will look at my phone after putting the kids to sleep, no prize for guessing who wakes up with the kids when the sky is already bright πŸ˜… Sometimes without alarm so I'm almost late for work lol

Off day today cos she was long overdue for her pneumococcal booster shot.

Doesn't help that work had been abit cray cray too. With new management and all. But oh well, it's not the newness that's keeping us busy, it's the new management that's 'coaching' us to manage ourselves πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ˜…

Random pics from here and there cos it's been awhile. This girl def knows who is the fun parent now πŸ˜‚ So good for me cos she doesn't stick to me like a mochi so much like before hehe

At the playroom the other day. She couldn't place both legs on each stand so she was just sittin on one and rock herself back and forth πŸ˜‚

That's her new fav handbag she's been lugging it everywhere now πŸ˜…

She's like a shadow to korkor most of the time but sometimes makes her presence known until he gets annoyed and punch her. So yeah, most of the time I had to play referee and keep her safe lol

Nevertheless she adores him very much and always sayang him without us asking her to.

And occasionally bila mood baik, I can get this kind of shot πŸ˜‡

This one mood confirm baik cos going kai kai mah

Hi, mischievous is my middle name.

Erm, vainpot in the making πŸ˜‚

Oh another random pic, food fed by korkor always taste better. Always πŸ˜…

28 Nov

Mom told me the little king's routine after I go back to work from home during lunch; say byebye to me from my yard cos he can see me entering the lift, then run to the dining table's window cos he can see me walking to my car, then finally my bedroom's window to see my car zoom past 😒

26 Nov

Leftover herbal chicken soup from last night so added some mee sua for dinner just now cos too lazy and tired to go out. And still trying to refrain the little king from eating out for a while cos of the bug last week.

24 Nov

Packed up another batch of clothes the not so little king can no longer fit. Sigh they grow up so fast! Time to fill up the empty space πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

18 Nov

Missing my little happypuff 😘😘😘

Gai cos I miss meimei mom's driving her back this instance, that's cos she started vomiting too! Good luck to meπŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻